ScenicViewer ...That is 16 pages of information...
I'm not sure but I think the font got bigger so if it's twice the area of the previous magazines then it'll be the equivalent of 8 pages or 1/16 the information.
what has changed in the last 7 years?
just curious .... 1) do they still shun?
what's the policy on da's, df's and a?.
ScenicViewer ...That is 16 pages of information...
I'm not sure but I think the font got bigger so if it's twice the area of the previous magazines then it'll be the equivalent of 8 pages or 1/16 the information.
look at what my mother showed me today.
i had to verify what she showed me and i got a quick laugh after the meeting.
we all sin and some sins are worse than others but blasphemy against the holy spirit is said to be unforgivable.what is considered to be an unforgivable sin?
And so I tell you, every kind of sin and slander can be forgiven, but blasphemy against the Spirit will not be forgiven. Anyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but anyone who speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come. - Matthew 12:31-32 New International Version
Why should blasphemy against the Holy Spirit be unforgivable when blasphemy against Jesus was forgivable? Wasn't the Holy Spirit working through Jesus? Blasphemy against the Son should be blasphemy against the Father and Holy Spirit.
what has changed in the last 7 years?
just curious .... 1) do they still shun?
what's the policy on da's, df's and a?.
are df, da and apostates still shunned?
are each treated differently?
i heard a secondhand report that they seemed to have eased up on this practice ...
Im not DA'd or DF'd and all my siblings ignored my invitation to come to my 8 year old son's end of chemo party. It truly is disgusting what this group brings people to.
Sorry to hear that Azor. It seems that no matter how many wretched examples I hear there is always one that is worse.
ignorance really is bliss and reality is harsh.
just having a bad, emotional day i suppose.
Dystopia, they are the hatemongers. We simply respond to their hatred with or without hatred ourselves. Do you know what they've done to us?
i would pay a highly rated, very expensive advertising company to run a 1 minute ad that ran nationwide primetime every night of the week until i spent $75 million of it telling how the wt was covering over pedophiles and for people to go to for the truth about the truth.
it would be done in very good taste, way better than political ads.
i would spare no expense.
And the things I would not get:
A huge mansion. They are so impersonal. A three to four bedroom house would be just fine.
Although I would get a quality automobile I would not get any luxury cars. I have no interest in showing off.
Ten thousand dollar watches. My twenty dollar one is just fine.
Toilets made of gold. I don't know if brown will match with it.
the wife and i went to the memorial strictly out of respect for my mother-in-law last night.
luckily our 20 month-old grand-baby was restless and making noise, so i quickly volunteered to take him in the back.
so i didn't have to listen to the presentation.
Tomato sauce is yummy. I'm going to anoint the Flying Spaghetti Monster with it.
i guess we can agree to differ, but i personally found the new memorial songs (147, 149) to be very good, at least from a musical perspective.
rub a dub .